Yan Yan

Updating a classic

Update a brand without disassociating itself from its history


Retain the elements that made the brand synonymous with moving. Improve the user experience and install a design template in order to give Yan Yan Movers a consistent brand identity.

Time for an update.

When people think of Yan Yan, they think of this classic commercial that ran in the early 80's. It still lives on on Youtube.

The Truck.
Original Illustration by Sophia Ng

Responsive Website.

For the majority of relocation companies in Hong Kong, their website is a glorified business card that contains a telephone number that the user needs to call in order to gain any information regarding the company's services.

In order to standout, we provide the user with a simple, thorough, transparent experience.

With 60 years of trusted service, money is the biggest driver for those who visit the site. For this a reason we provide an instant quote based on a short form that can be filled out directly on the site.

International Relocation service with an anchored side form field